One to one lessons
Functional Integration (FI)
Functional Integration Lessons offered in Greek, English & French-contact
Functional Integration is a 'hands-on' form of tactile, kinaesthetic communication. Engaging the brain to improve the body’s comfort and function, each session is a unique experience, designed to address your particular needs and concerns.
Through gentle touching and moving, the Feldenkrais practitioner, proposes ways to move in more expanded functional motor patterns- communicating information to your brain and nervous system. Because the information is valuable to your body, your brain pays attention and begins using it right away.
In FI, the teacher develops a lesson 'custom-tailored' to the unique configuration of that particular person, at that particular moment. Through rapport and respect for the student’s abilities, qualities and integrity, the teacher creates an environment in which the student can learn comfortably.
Functional Integration is gentle, subtle, effective, and widely recognised for its ability to address both minor aches and pains, and serious muscular-skeletal and neurological problems, chronic tension, and the developmental problems of children. FI sessions can help you to recover after an injury, regain lost function, and improve the way you use your body: reducing many types of pain (back, knee, hip, shoulder, neck, jaw pain) or headache, chronic tension, postural problems, neurological difficulties, and mobility issues.
In Functional Integration (FI) one to one , hands on lessons, the student is fully clothed, lying on a low, padded table or in sitting or standing positions. After an FI people often report feeling relaxed and refreshed, more comfortable in their body, “taller”, “younger” and more physically able. Some improvements may be felt immediately, while others are felt later and in following days. Your attention is part of the process.
If you wish to address a physical issue in a direct and effective way, we recommend that you have a series of Functional Integration sessions.
what do I need for the class?
warm comfortable clothes, long sleeve top, a pair of socks and a scarf or blanket.